Individual page#


In Codex, we use the term Animal when the reported animal does not yet have a name associated with it. We use the term Individual when it has a name and at least one Sighting, which means it exists in the database and can be identified again.

To merge or delete an Individual, begin on the page for a given Individual.

Page for an Individual#

The top of the page for an Individual displays its representative image, name, an automatically-assigned Codex ID, and adoption name, which is another name the Individual is known by.

Metadata for your Individual#

The Metadata box under the photo gallery displays the following information about the Individual:

  • First name

  • Adoption name

  • Sex

  • Species

  • Any custom fields you have created

To edit these details, click the pencil in the top right corner of the Metadata box and type in the above fields. The First name and Species are required fields, the other fields are optional.

Sighting list#

The Sightings of the Individual are listed on the right.

  • To list the Sightings according to each category, click the Date, Location, and Owner headings. Click again on a heading to reverse the order of Sightings.

  • To view details about a Sighting owner, click the name link for that Sighting under the Owner heading. The page you are routed to displays the owner’s profile information, metadata, Sightings, and collaborations.

  • To view a Sighting page, click the arrow icon next to that Sighting under the Actions heading.

  • To remove a Sighting from an Individual, click the trash can icon next to that Sighting under the Actions heading, then click the DELETE button.


You can add and view familial and social group connections between your Individual and others in the Relationships section.

  1. To add either of these, click the + RELATIONSHIP button.

  2. On the ADD RELATIONSHIP pop-up, search for another Individual in the database by entering either their name or guid in the search field, then click the SEARCH button.

  3. In the results box, select the row for the Individual you wish to create a relationship with.

  4. Under the results box, click the Select relationship type drop-down menu, then select familial or social grouping.

  5. Scroll down to click the Select role from your Individual’s perspective drop-down menu, then select the appropriate option.

  6. Click the Select role from the related Individual’s perspective drop-down menu, then select the appropriate option. The role options are different for familial and social grouping relationships.

  7. Click the ADD RELATIONSHIP button.

Your Individual’s reported relationship is listed in the Relationships section.

  • To view the page for the other Individual yours has a relationship with, click the arrow icon next to that relationship under the Actions heading.

  • To delete a relationship, click the trash can icon next to that relationship under the Actions heading, then click the DELETE button in the pop-up box.

Social groups#

Individuals that operate in social orders such as packs or pods can be assigned to Social groups to support the tracking of these types of animals. These can be added and viewed in the Social groups section.

See the Social groups page to find out about creating, editing, and removing Social groups.

  1. To add an Individual to a Social group click the + ADD TO SOCIAL GROUP button.

  2. In the pop-up box click the Social group field, then select the appropriate option.

  3. Click the Role field, then select the appropriate role for your individual within that social group.

  4. Click the ADD button.


Information about the addition to a Social group is now listed in the Social groups section.

  • To view a Social group page, click the arrow icon next to that Sighting under the Actions heading.

  • To remove an Individual from a Social group, click the trash can icon next to that Sighting under the Actions heading, then click the DELETE button in the pop-up box.

Merging Individuals#

Merging individuals from the Individual Overview page#

  1. Look for the 3-dot menu on the top right corner of the Individual’s page.

  2. Select Merge with another individual.

  3. On the Search bar, enter the name or guid of the other Individual you want to merge your first individual with, then select click the Search button.

  4. Select an Individual from the results, then select the Continue button.

  5. You will be routed to the Merge individuals page, where you can see the information of both the Individuals you are merging.

  6. At the bottom of the screen, click the First name and Sex menu

  7. Select the name of the Individual you want to retain the information on the First name menu.

  8. Do the same Click with the Sex menu and select the same individual.

  9. Select Click the Merge Individuals button to submit the changes.

Merging individuals from the Sighting Overview page#

  1. Scroll down to from the bottom of the Sighting Overview page and select the View Match Results button.

  2. You will be directed to the Review match candidates page. Check if the Selected match candidate on the right is the one you want to merge with your individual on the left. Details are provided for each individual.

  3. If it is not the correct match candidate, you can view others in the Candidate annotations table below where candidates are listed in ranked order.

  4. To view information about the sightings, scroll to the right of the box and select click the View icon next to the Filename.

  5. Select the Individual you want to merge with the one on the left. Wait for its information to auto-populates on the Selected match candidate section of the page.

  6. Once you confirm that all the information is correct, click the Confirm Match button on the bottom right corner of the page.


If you do not have edit access to a sighting for both Individuals, all the stakeholders with access toIn the database will receive a notification about the potential merge. Any stakeholder can deny the merge, but if no one does, it will gets denied automatically after two weeks.

Deleting an Individual#

  1. To delete an Individual, click the 3-dot menu at the top right of the page for the Individual.

  2. In the drop-down menu select Delete individual, then on the pop-up box click the DELETE button.


Even though the Individual has been deleted, the Sighting the Individual was part of stays in the database.