Configure Default Fields#

Use the header menu (triangle button in the top right) to select Control panel from the drop-down menu. From this page, click on the MANAGE FIELDS button.

Configurable Default Fields#

The first table on the Manage fields page is the Configurable default fields table. These fields are automatically preselected by Codex and can be customized.

Table Headings#

  • Label: Codex assigns four default labels to a media asset which are Species, Region, Social groups, and Relationship.

  • Type: States the type of interaction, either an Encounter, Individual, or a Sighting.

  • Actions: Click on the pencil icon under actions to edit any of the Label fields.


  1. Click on the pencil icon at the end of the Species row.

  2. Select a species using the Species drop-down menu. Only species that we have training data are displayed here.

  3. Enter an ID Prefix for the species. This is the prefix that will appear as part of an animal’s Codex ID.

  4. Click the FINISH button to save any changes.


  1. Click the pencil icon at the end of the Region row to edit the field. Click the ADD REGION button to add a new location. A field will appear for you to type in the new region.

  2. Each listed region has a + icon next to it. Click on this to organize regions into a hierarchy. Regions staggered towards the left are larger areas, such as countries (e.g., South Africa). Regions staggered towards the right are smaller areas within the larger region (e.g., KwaZulu-Natal).

  3. Each listed region has a checkbox, default checked on. De-select a region if the region is too big to be useful as a search term, but is useful in hierarchy searches. (ex: Atlantic Ocean can be useful when searching for specific coastal sites, but would not be useful as a data segment.)

  4. Each listed region has a delete button. Use this to remove the region from the system. Note that this will be blocked if the region is actively in use.

  5. Click the SAVE button to save any changes.


  1. Click on the pencil icon at the end of the Relationship row to edit the relationship fields. The listed fields will appear when creating relationships on an individual’s page.

  2. Click the ADD TYPE button to add a type of relationship (e.g., familial or social grouping).

  3. Click the + icon next to each relationship type to add a specific role within that type (e.g., mother or alpha).

  4. Click the trash can icon to delete any relationship types or roles.

  5. Click the SAVE button to save any changes.

Social Groups#

  1. The listed social group roles appear on the drop-down menu for any social groups made on an individual’s page.

  2. Click the ADD ROLE button to create new social group roles that will be available to choose from on an individual’s page. Click the trash can icon next to any role to delete it.

  3. Click the Allow multiple of this role toggle button if you want to allow more than one individual to assume the same role.

  4. Click the yellow SAVE button to save any changes you have made.

Configure Custom Fields#

Editing custom fields allows for the maintenance of all metadata, for both recent and historical catalogs. There are three types of customizable fields: Individual, Sighting, and Encounter.

  • Individual: Individuals are animals that are recorded and identified already within the Codex platform.

  • Sighting: Sightings are instances of a human interacting with one or more animals at a specific location and time.

  • Encounter: Encounters are instances of a human interacting with a single animal at a specific location and time.

Field Categories#

Field categories is the second table on the Manage fields page. Label is customizable, it helps organize fields on the report sighting form. Type is how to categorize Label, it can either be sighting fields, encounter fields, or individual fields.

  1. Click the ADD NEW button.

  2. A pop-up window will appear with spaces for Label and a drop-down menu for Type.

  3. You can customize Label.

  4. Based on what you enter on Label, you need to select sighting fields, encounter fields, or individual fields on the drop-down menu for Type.

  5. Select the SAVE button.

Create Custom Fields#

Codex users with the Admin role can create new custom fields in Codex. At a minimum you will need a field name, a description, and set values.

Manage Fields#

Go to the Actions menu and click on Control Panel, then click on Manage Fields.

  • Field categories organize fields on the sighting submission form. You may need to create a new field category before you can add a new field. Note that Field categories cannot be changed.

  • Custom individual fields create a new Metadata entry on the Individual page.

  • Custom sighting fields create a new Metadata entry on the Sighting page.


  1. Database field (required): This should have no spaces and be intuitive. If you’re adding a new custom individual field include “indiv”, for a new custom sighting field, use “sgt”, for a new custom encounter field, use “enc”. For example: “indiv_with_pup”.

  2. Type (required): Choose an option from the menu (text, date, dropdown, etc.). Note that once you save all the changes you made, Type cannot be edited anymore.

  3. Required: Try not to set required fields because it can discourage submissions from those outside the org and citizen scientists. If a field is required, set a Default value.

  4. Description: Briefly explain what the field is for.

  5. Category (required): Choose an option from the menu (Life Events, Tagging, etc.).

  6. Options: If you selected “dropdown” or “Multi-select dropdown” in the Type menu, add your dropdown menu options here.

    • Option label: This is what will display in Codex in sentence case.

    • Value: Treat this like the Database field. This will be in lowercase with underscores. Click Add Another Option to add more. When you’re done, click the Finish button.

  7. Default value: If you’re creating a required field, make the default “unknown” or choose a default option that is accurate, if not precise.

When you’re finished, click the SAVE FIELD button. This will take you back to the Manage Fields screen. You can preview your new field by clicking the View icon next to it.

Edit Custom Fields#

  1. Select the pen icon to edit the custom fields you’ve created.

  2. You will be directed to the Edit custom field page.

  3. Aside from the custom field Type, everything can be edited on the Configuration panel on the right.

  4. A live preview on the right will show you all the changes you made,

  5. Click the Save field button to save all the changes you made.

Delete Custom Fields#

  1. Select the trash can icon to delete the custom fields you’ve created.

  2. A pop-up window will appear to confirm that you want to delete a custom field.

  3. Click the DELETE button to confirm the changes that you want to make.